Maddison Bernat - who is she.

Maddison Bernat - who is she.

Here I am, writing my very first post, so bare with me.
I thought i'd start by telling you a bit about myself.

Hey, My name is Maddison Bernat. I grow up in Australia, mainly in the Northern Territory as child and then going into my teenage years my family and I move down south to very cold Victoria. At the age of 13, it seemed like the most dramatic thing ever, leaving my school, friends and the warm weather I enjoyed so much. But I slowly become to tolerate my new home and made new friends.
I was never one to like school, I found it hard to read from a text book and just understand what I was reading. I like to think of myself as a hands-on person. So I dropped out of school towards the end of year 11, with the full support of my parents, and began working more hours at the job I already had as a classic check-out chick. My desire by the age of 18 was to leave cold Victoria and return to the warmer weather. I scored myself a full time job that eventually moved me to Townsville, far north QLD.

I'm now 21 years old, living and working in QLD. Loving all the waterfalls, food and beaches Far North Queensland (FNQ) has to offer. Yes, I live away from my family and as difficult as it was for the first couple of years, I really enjoyed this sense of freedom i've gained.

Interests I have are food, my dad's family come from Croatia in Europe, so i have a love for mediterranean style food. Absolutely love anything drowned in vinegar, I even want to start pickling my own veggies. Favourite food is no doubt Olives.
Another interest would be for relaxing, I love anything relaxing. There is something about sleeping in on a weekend and waking to having a coffee with a good view. Adventures definitely come under relaxing to me as well. I have been lucky enough to explore a bit of QLD on breaks from work and on long weekends. I still have many more places to explore.
And I love to do these things with my lovely partner, Scanlan. 

So sit back and follow my journey to fulfil my life with total happiness, sense of adventure and learn and try exciting new things and you might learn something too.


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